Friday, February 7, 2014

free downloads biografi Nelson Mandela " A Long Walk to freedom "

Biografi Nelson Mandela 
" A Long Walk to freedom " 

 These are memoirs of a great moral and political figure, an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa won him the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. 'Long Walk to Freedom' is his exhilarating story. Mandela recounts his youth, as the foster son of a Thembu chief, raised in the traditional tribal culture of his ancestors as he grew to learn the inescapable reality of apartheid oppression. He tells of his early years as an impoverished student and law clerk in Johannesburg and of his slow political awakening. He also describes his personal struggles at that time of having to reconcile his political activity with family, the anguished breakup of his first marriage, and the painful separation from his children. The escalating political warfare in the 1950s between the ANC and the government is vividly brought to life, culminating in Mandela's dramatic escapades as an underground leader and the notorious Rivonia Trial of 1964, at which he was sentenced to life imprisonment. He recounts the surprisingly eventful 27 years in prison and the complex negotiation which led to both his freedom and to the beginning of apartheid's end. 

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free downloads .pdf biografi Presiden RI I Ir. Soekarno

biografi Presiden RI I Ir. Soekarno

Judul Ebuku : Biografi Soekarno
Ukuran File : 669.6 KB
Password RAR : buku-hitam
TJARA jang paling mudah untuk melukiskan tentang diri Sukarno ialah dengan menamakannja seorang jang maha-pentjinta. Ia mentjintai negerinja, ia mentjintai rakjatnja, ia mentjintai wanita, ia mentjintai seni dan melebihi daripada segala-galanya ia tjinta kepada dirinya sendiri.
Sukarno adalah seorang manusia perasaan. Seorang pengagum. Ia menarik napas pandjang apabila menjaksikan pemandangan jang indah. Djiwanja bergetar memandangi matahari terbenam di Indonesia. Ia menangis dikala menjanjikan lagu spirituil orang negro.
Orang mengatakan bahwa Presiden Republik Indonesia terlalu banjak memiliki darah seorang seniman."Akan tetapi aku bersjukur kepada Jang Maha Pentjipta, karena aku dilahirkan dengan perasaan halus dan darah seni. Kalau tidak demikian, bagaimana aku bisa mendjadi Pemimpin Besar Revolusi, sebagairnana 105 djuta rakjat menjebutku ? Kalau tidak demikian, bagairnana aku bisa memimpin bangsaku untuk merebut kembali kemerdekaan dan hak-azasinja, setelah tiga setengah abad dibawan pendjadjahan Belanda? Kalau tidak demikian bagaimana aku bisa mengobarkan suatu revolusi ditahun 1945 dan mentjiptakan suatu Negara Indonesia jang bersatu, jang terdiri dari pulau Djawa, Bali, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Kepulauan Maluku dan bagian lain dari Hindia Belanda ?

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free downloads .pdf biografi mother Teresa


 “Sprink’s affectionate portrait of this remarkable woman shows us why so many call her a saint. This book beautifully serves Mother Teresa’s memory.” -Christian Century
Mother Teresa, who was born Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu in 1910, did not want an autobiography written about her. But when she realized that through the written word, she could bring the word of God and inspire others, she allowed Kathryn Sprink to record her life in Mother Teresa (1998).
Mother Teresa began a simple life with a brother and a sister and became the founder of the Missionaries of Charity and the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Her early life in the Balkana, in a openhearted and religious family. She worked with victims of war torn Beirut and then she pleaded with George Bush and Saddam Hussein to choose peace over war.
She saw Jesus Christ in everyone and everything she did. Through her life, she taught the world a lesson in love that is joyful and selfless.
Mother Teresa can be found in your local library, the website for the Bergen County Cooperative Library System can be found here or at your local Barnes and Noble in Hackensack.
Mother Teresa is the eighth installment in Biography month.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Free Downloads Comics "The Avenger"

The Avengers 

 The Avengers : no doubt known as a super hero of Earth 's most powerful in the whole universe . Had conquered the most terrible threat the Marvel Universe ( marvel comic world ) happens to them , they 've bounced back from defeat , betrayal and death many times .The Avengers is the superhero team that appears in the comic published by Marvel Comics . The team first appeared in The Avengers # 1 ( September 1963) , and was created by writer - editor Stan Lee and artist co - plotter Jack Kirby .
Labeled " Earth 's mightiest Heroes " , the Avengers originally consisted of where Ant - Man , Wasp , Thor , Iron Man , and The Hulk ( Captain America did not join until issue # 4 , although he was granted the status of honorary founding member ) . List of members has changed has been the hallmark of the team , although one theme remains consistent : the Avengers fight their enemies where none of the superheroes who can survive - until they were shouting , " Avengers Assemble ! " The team has featured humans , mutants , robots , gods , aliens , supernatural beings , and even former villains .
Relaunched as the first issue , The Avengers vol . 3 vols rises to 84 ( February 1998 - August 2004 ) . Coinciding with the publication of the 500 to the original series, Marvel changed the numbering comicnya , such as The Avengers # 500-503 ( September-December 2004) , followed by a one -shot Avengers Finale (Jan. 2005) , which dismantle the whole story including the storyline in Avengers final volumes . In January 2005 , a new version of the team appeared in the New Avengers title .
After the Young Avengers New Avengers coming , starting with issue # 1 ( February 2005 ) , which featured teenage hero after it appeared Mighty Avengers , also starting with issue # 1 ( May 2007 ) .

 Annual # 1 Downloads Here

 Annual # 2 Downloads Here

Free Downloads Indonesian Tax Deregulation "Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan"

Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan

Dalam Kitab UU Hukum KUP sebagai Hukum Pajak Formal yang memuat ketentuan umum dan tata cara perpajakan yang pada prinsipnya berlaku bagi semua undang-undang pajak materiil, kecuali undang-undang pajak materiil yang bersangkutan telah mengatur sendiri mengenai ketentuan umum dan tata cara perpajakannya. Undang-undang KUP telah mengalami tiga kali perubahan sejak diundangkan pertama kali dengan UU Nomor 6 Tahun 1983 yang mulai berlaku sejak 1 Januari 1984.
Perubahan pertama dilakukan dengan UU Nomor 9 Tahun 1994 dan mulai berlaku 1 Januari 1995. Perubahan kedua dilakukan dengan UU Nomor 16 Tahun 2000 dan mulai berlaku tanggal 1 Januari 2001. Perubahan terakhir dilakukan dengan UU Nomor 28 Tahun 2007 yang mulai berlaku tanggal 1 Januari 2008.
Sebagai hukum pajak formal UU KUP mengatur mengenai prosedur (tata cara) pemenuhan hak dan kewajiban perpajakan serta sanksi-sanksi bagi yang melanggar kewjiban perpajakan. Dengan kata lain UU KUP mengatur ketentuan formal dalam melaksanakan hukum pajak materil seperti UU Pajak Penghasilan (PPh), UU Pajak Pertambahan Nilai dan Pajak Penjualan atas Barang Mewah (PPN dan PPnBM), UU Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB), UU Bea Perolehan Hak atas Tanah dan Bangunan (BPHTB), UU Bea Meterai dan UU Penagihan Pajak dengan Surat Paksa (PPSP). Pemungutan pajak akan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan ini, kecuali apabila ketentuan perpajakan atau undang-undang pajak yang lain secara khusus menentukan sendiri tata cara pemungutannya.
Kebijakan atau tujuan dilakukannya perubahan ketiga UU KUP adalah :
  1. Meningkatkan efisiensi pemungutan pajak guna mendukung penerimaan negara;
  2. meningkatkan pelayanan, kepastian hukum dan keadilan bagi masyarakat guna menaikkan daya saing dalam bidang penanaman modal, dengan tetap mendukung pengembangan usaha kecil dan menengah;
  3. Menyesuaikan tuntutan perkembangan sosial ekonomi masyarakat serta perkembangan di bidang teknologi informasi;
  4. Meningkatkan keseimbangan antara hak dan kewajiban;
  5. Menyederhanakan prosedur administrasi perpajakan;
  6. Meningkatkan penerapan prinsip self assessment yang akuntabel dan konsisten;
  7. Mendukung iklim usaha ke arah yang lebih kondusif dan kompetitif.
Dengan dilaksanakannya kebijakan pokok tersebut diharapkan dapat meningkatkan  penerimaan negara dalam jangka menengah dan panjang seiring dengan meningkatnya kepatuhan sukarela para WP dan membaiknya iklim usaha.
Untuk lebih memperjelas isi dari Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan berikut : akan berikan Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan dalam versi pdf sehingga dapat anda aplikasikan dalam gadget android anda .


 Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan



Sunday, January 26, 2014

Free Downloads Comics Naruto chapter 633

Naruto chapter 633

Download Comic Naruto 633 Indonesian language  - this time it will be a little share Download Comic Naruto 633 Indonesian language nice and interesting to watch as well as all the human predilection menadi ranging from child-will, teens, college students, and adults too, see Comic Naruto 633 Indonesian language . to shorten the time we just see and download on the Bottom.
 This is link for downloads :


Naruto chapter 633

Saturday, January 25, 2014



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